Sunday, February 26, 2006



To create a post (upload stuff to the blog), click on the orange button on the upper left. Select the "Create" tab. Type your stuff (or paste it) into the word processing area. Note that the word processing here is rather minimal-- sorta like Groupwise. Formatting usually won't paste from Word so the most you'll usually get is the text.

The formatting in the word processing window works ok. (The spell checker is a tad dodge, though.)

This blog is linked to my personal blogs (I couldn't get it not to link or I would have, so let me issue a warning; if you click on my name, you will be able to get to my other blogs-- don't go there if you are offended by really free speech and liberal politics.)

Once you've completed your post, click publish. Then it goes out on the Internet for all the world to see.

Each post has a comment "button"; click on the "0 Comments" text and a window will pop up where you can leave a comment about that post. You'll have type in some letters to publish a comment, though. The letter verification keeps robotic spammers from hitting the comments with porn and advertising.

I think most of the other stuff is self-explanatory but if you need to know anything, gimme a yell.

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